Life as I see…. with Friends…

In my state of awareness, I know I’m slowing, losing very important things in life. Now a days everything seems to slipping away from me and it’s all I can do is just hold of whatever closest to me. As I make new friends, I lose touch with old ones ~ as I get to know new friends, old ones get added in the fading list. The passage of time never stops; it takes everything that I do, interested, habited, practiced somewhere here & there, with & without reason I am changing & adapting to the fresh ones, but each one never failed to teach what life is.

Friends…. they were in our daily lives for the longest time, 10+ years I would say… I will be totally away from whom I am close now, by that time I know will be slowly fading away from my memory. Even now I still chat with them once in a while… but of what? Memories of the past? What I’m doing now? …. It’s unfortunate, but what can we possibly talk about? Can we talk of life as we did once before? We just got to chitchat about the happenings.

As friends fade into the past, its quite natural act, & new ones appear in the horizon. This how life is & friends are…the time and distance cause friends to drift apart. Where families have the inseparable blood bond ~ there’s nothing to keep a friend around once communication breaks except the sweet memories. None to blames except the time, distance ... & That's the LIFE, you got to accept it.


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