Helvetica Font - Free Download.

Today, more people than ever before are looking for the difficult to find helvetica TTF free download....... Helvetica is one of the most popular typefaces of all time. It was designed by Max Miedinger in 1957 for the Haas foundry of Switzerland (the name is derived from Helvetia, the Latin name for Switzerland).

Helvetica remains one of the most popular fonts on the Internet as well as on many forms of documentation. This is because it is very much a plain looking font, but with a little touch of style, such as the small twist at the bottom of the lowercase "t", or the shorter curved ends at the bottom of letters like lowercase "j" and "y". Helvetica font is used on most public signs and on the majority of public documents and periodicals across the world.

---> Helvetica - Downloand

--->Vista Fonts (calibri, cambria, candara, consolas, constantia, corbel)

40 Excellent Logos Created with Helvetica

It’s over fifty years old, it’s the most widely used font ever, and it has recently become the subject of its own movie. We’re talking about the world’s most recognizable font: Helvetica. Its relevance in design through the years and even today seems unbeatable.

The appeal for a distinctive, professional and timeless typeface has never dwindled and it keeps gaining more followers day by day. Love it or hate it, with its multitude of styles and versions, Helvetica is here to stay.

From airlines, to car companies to the largest software company, Helvetica’s use in logos throughout the world remains as strong as ever. In this article we’ll take a look at 40 excellent logos created using Helvetica.

‘I have a dream’ – Martin Luther King, Jr

“So do the 270 million uneducated children in our country. They dream of standing on their own feet and touching the sky. However, they are chained down by poverty and their dreams remain a distant mirage. Education is every child’s fundamental right. Yet, for want of monetary backing, these children are deprived of the most basic necessity. Poverty is the river that separates them from their dreams, and we want to open up the bridge of knowledge. Education is the most precious gift anyone can give or receive, and that the children deserve to be more than mere thumb impressions.“ 

Educate & Emancipate is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization that is working to provide quality education to under privileged children in India. Educate & Emancipate was founded in 2007 to provide education for the extremely under-privileged and deserving youngsters in the city of Bangalore and Chennai. Since then the organization has grown in scope. 
Educate & Emancipate’s team consists of a group of spirited youngsters from a wide range of backgrounds such as professionals, students, corporates, social activists and media personnel.

Our efforts are focused on the following:
1. Students should not opt out of education for the want of money.
2. Proper mentorship and quality education should be made accessible to the poorest of poor.

Educate & Emancipate was founded on the firm belief that education is a fundamental right of every child in this country and that talent should not be wasted just because someone is born into unfortunate conditions. 

We also believe that it is the duty of every citizen of this country to look after each other and that it is only through that way we can uplift the millions of unfortunate people who were born into poverty and misery. 

Facilitation of a favorable environment for education and growth is the key to producing tomorrow’s world leaders. Educate & Emancipate believes that the desired changes in the lives of children will come only when more and more privileged people start participating proactively in finding a solution.

Therefore, our vision is to facilitate quality education for every deserving child in this country and in the process aid the growth and development of the country.

ASAP, BTW, TBD, VIP... Let us help you crack the code

Do you sometimes come across abbreviations in e-mails or letters, which you don’t understand? Ever wondered what they mean? 

Abbreviations: we all use them, merrily sprinkling our e-mails and even phone conversations with these little clusters of capital letters, assuming everyone knows what we’re talking about. But what do they actually stand for? And are we really using them correctly?

Here’s a helpful list, to shine a light on the subject. (Some of the abbreviations, marked *, are also used in everyday speech.)

a/c: account (“Re. the American a/c, …”)
AGM*: annual general meeting (“TBD at next AGM in March,” pron. “ay-gee-em”)
AOB: any other business (usually at the end of a meeting agenda)
approx.: approximately (“Delivery takes approx. 4 days.”)
asap*: as soon as possible (“Pls do this asap,” pron. “ay-ess-ay-pee”)
asst: assortment (“Please send asst of products.”)
atm: at the moment (“Can’t decide atm – will let you know.”)
attn: for the attention of (written at the top of letters/faxes etc.: “Attn: Mr Jones”)

b/c: because (“Have to cancel meeting b/c Mr Jones unwell.”)
btw: by the way (“Btw, how was your holiday?”)

cc*: copy to (“I’ll put him on cc,” pron. “see-see”)
cd: could (“Cd you please get in touch with our sales dept?”)
CEO*: chief executive officer (“She’s our CEO,” pron. “see-ee-oh”)
cf: compare with (“Cf January orders.”)
CIO*: chief information officer (“Mr Jones is our CIO,” pron. “see-eye-oh”)
c/o: care of (usually written over an address. “Please send it c/o Mr Jones.”)
cob: close of business (“It should be ready today cob.”)
cod: cash on delivery (“Please pay cod.”)
crm: customer relationship management (“The company has excellent crm.”)
cv*: curriculum vitae (“Please send your cv with your application,” pron. “see-vee”)

dept: department (“He’s in the sales dept.”)
devt: development (“January saw good devt.”)
diff: difference (“Please specify diff. between products A and B.”)

e.g.*: for example (“Different depts., e.g. marketing, sales,” pron. “ee-gee”)
EGM: extraordinary general meeting (“TBD at an EGM,” pron. “ee-gee-em”)
encl.: enclosed (“Pls find attachment encl.”)
eob: end of business (“Please finish by eob.”)
eod: end of day (“To do by eod.”)
esp.: especially (“This is esp. interesting.”)
ETA: estimated time of arrival (“ETA two o’clock.”)
et al: and everyone else (“Mr Jones, Mr Brown et al.”)
etc. (et cetera): and the rest (“Marketing, sales etc.”)

FAQ: frequently asked questions (“Here are some FAQs.”)
fig: figures (“Here are sales figs for 2010.”)
FOB: freight on board (“This will be sent FOB.”)
fwd: forwarded (“Pls fwd to Mr Jones.”)
FYA: for your attention (at top of document)

HQ*: headquarters (“See you at HQ,” pron. “aitch-queue”)
hr: hour (“It will take approx. 2 hrs.”)

Here’s a helpful list which we hope will help you. Some of the abbreviations, marked *, are also used in everyday speech.

i.e.*: that is (“We will do it by eob, i.e. 5:30 pm,” pron. “eye-ee”)
incl.: including (“Pls send it incl. new propsal asap.”)
info.: information (“Thanks in advance for the info.”)
IOU*: I owe you (“We will send an IOU,” pron. “I owe you”)

K*: a thousand (“It will cost around 3K,” pron. “three-kay”)

m: million (“It will cost $6m.”)
max*.: maximum (“It will cost $3K max.”)
MD*: managing director (“He’s our MD,” pron. “em-dee”)
min*.: minimum (“It will cost 3K min.”)

n/a: not applicable (“This is n/a in this context.”)
NB: please note (at foot of document, “NB: Holidays this year are cancelled.”)
no.: number (“Pls advise no. of deliveries.”)

p.a.: per year (“How much p.a.?”)
pd: paid (“This invoice was pd in December.”)
pfi*: pay for inclusion (paying to have web pages included in a search engine’s database and updated; pron. “pee-eff-eye”)
pls: please (“Pls advise.”)
ppc*: pay per click (way of charging for publication of advertisements on the Internet; pron. “pee-pee-see”)
ppi*: pay per impression (where advertiser pays for each display of their advertisement – usually a banner; pron. “pee-pee-eye”)
pps*: pay per sale (where a commission is paid for each sale, usually a % of the sale; pron. “pee-pee-ess”)
pto: please turn over (at foot of page)
p.w.: per week (“How many p.w.?”)

qtr: quarter (“How many per qtr?”)
qty: quantity (“Pls advise re. qty.”)

r&d: research and development (“Need to do some R&D.”)
re.: with reference to (“Pls advise re. qty.”)
roi: return on investment (“What will the ROI be?”)
RSVP: please reply (in invitation)

sae: stamped addressed envelope (“Pls send sae.”)
SE: seach engine (searchable database of pages on the web)
SEO: search engine optimisation (“An SEO” is the person who carries out the optimisation)

TBA: to be announced (“This news TBA at next week’s AGM.”)
TBD: to be determined (“Exact date still TBD.”)
thx: thanks (“Thx for your mail.”)
TCO: total cost of ownership (“Pls estimate TCO.”)

USP: unique selling point/proposition (“Sounds great! What’s the USP?”)

vs.: against (abbreviated form of “versus”, “This is us vs. them.”)
VAT*: value added tax (“Pls advise price incl. VAT,” pron. “vee-ay-tea”)
VIP*: very important person (“They are VIPs,” pron. “vee-eye-peas”)

w/: with (“He will be w/ Mr Jones.”)
wd: would (“Wd you mind writing to Mr Jones?”)
w/o: without (“Will you be there w/o Mr Jones?”)

ytd: year to date (“Pls give sales figs for ytd asap.”)

24/7*: non-stop – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (“We’re available 24/7,” pron. “twenty-four seven”)
What more can i Say ??? Guess this is called Unconditional LOVE ??

http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifA Sureshkuumar from  London - UK  4 hours from now
Please take better care of your health in future. God bless you Super Star
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifPrasanna from  Chennai - India  1 hour from now
Thalava Please take complete rest until you get well. Your health is not only important to you, it is very much important to us. we all pray God for your health.
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifsaravanan from  bangalore - INDIA  1 hour from now
thalaivaa get well soon
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifHARI FROM CHENNAI AYANAVARM from  CHENNAI - INIDNA  7 minutes ago
தலைவா உங்களயும்,எங்களையும், கஷ்டபடுத்தியவங்க யாரு நல்லா இருக்க மாட்டாங்க, உங்கமேல எல்லாறும் உயிரையே வெச்சுறுக்கோம், தலைவா ராணா வேண்டாம், எங்களுக்கு நிங்கதான் வேணும், தயவு செய்து ஒய்வு எடுங்கள், ஆண்டவன் எப்பவும் உங்க துனையுடன் இருப்பான், கொஞ்சம் கவனமா இருக்கனும், அரசியலில் தோற்றவர்கள் செய்கின்ற சதி போல் தெரிகிறது தலைவா நிங்கள் யரையும் நம்பாதிர்கள், ஆண்டவனை வேண்டுகிரேன்
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifAshwin from  chennai - india  21 minutes ago
தலைவா!!! நீஙக திரூம்ப வருவிஙக..ஆன்டவன் இருகான்..உஙக‌ நல்ல மனசுக்கு ஒன்னும் ஆகாது
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifselva from  riyadh - k.s.a  26 minutes ago
thalaiva comeback soon.........
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifm.saravanan from  tiruppur - india  51 minutes ago
thaliva nee enugeruthalam nallam udan vala ella vallla erivanai due thi keran
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifkarthick from  chennai - india  1 hour ago
தலைவர் ரஜினி மீண்டு வருவார்!
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifPrema from  Johor - Malaysia  2 hours ago
Dear friends, don worry superstar will get well soon
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifThinagaran from  Johor - Malaysia  2 hours ago
I pray for a speedy recover of our superstar Rajini
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifrahul from  hyderabad - india  3 hours ago
rajini is god he is comeback strong for his crores of fans worldwide
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifrahul from  hyderabad - india  3 hours ago
rajini is god
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifSam from  Chennai - India  5 hours ago
அவர் நல்ல மனசுக்கு ஒன்னும் ஆகாது.
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifprasanth from  jaffna - sri lanka  5 hours ago
plese rajani patthe thapla aana newskala para
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifsuresh kumar.s from  vellore - India  6 hours ago
We are all praying to god for speedy recovery and energetic health of Thalaivar Super star.Crores of Fans are with u .Long live super star,Kadavul ullam kondavare Endrum Ungalai nesikum anbu ullangal Rajinifans Team Gandhi Road,Vellore:632004
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifRamesh from  Bangalore - India  6 hours ago
pls All pray for our thalaivar and stop smoke who r all smoking. its big request for all..................
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifParthipan from  Thiruvarur - India  7 hours ago
Thalaiva va thalaiva kannill nier valiya ungalai patriya news parkirean thaanga mudiyavillai viraivil neengl nearil thondra vendum.
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifk s abdul kader from  dammam - kadayanallur  12 hours ago
இரைவனே என் கண்னிரை நிர் ஆக்குகிரேன் என் தலைவன் உயிர் வாள வைக்க இன்று உன்னிடம் கை ஏந்தினேன் இரைவா பாண்னி இரண்டு கன்களிலே ஒண்று இரண்டு மலர்ந்தலும் எண்னிரண்டு கண்களில் இன்ப ஒளி உண்டாகும் உள்ளமதில் உள்ளவரை அள்ளித்தரும் நல்லவரை விண் உலகம் வா எண்ரல் இந்த மாண் உலகம் எண் ஆகும் ஆண்டவானே ஆண்டவானே ஆண்டவானே மேகங்கள் கண்கலங்கும் மிண்னால் வ்ந்து துடிதுடிக்கும் வாணக்மே உருகதே வள்ளல் முகம் பாறமல் உள்ளமதில் உள்ளவரை அள்ளி தரும் நல்லவரை நீ வாளவை இறைவா இறைவா
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifA.RAJKUMAR from  chennai - India  12 hours ago
He will become alright by SAI kruba
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifmani from  madurai - tamil nadu  13 hours ago
ulagam ulla varai thalaivar irupar
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifvenkat from  trichy - india  14 hours ago
thalaiva ni raagavendravin maru uruvam........ elunthu va un kan asaivirkku katthi eruppathu tamilagam mattum ellai ulagam muluvathum than.........
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifrenjith kumar from  dubai - u a e  15 hours ago
we are all praying for you. all people in the world waiting for rana my rajini sirdo not worry god is great
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifrenjith kumar from  dubai - u a e  15 hours ago
ம்ய் கொட் உங்லககெ இந்த உலகம் முயுவன ப்ரயர் பன்ட்ரெ உங்லெக் ஒனும் அகத் என் டெஇவமெ என் உயிரில் உல்ல கத் தன் நேஙெ
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifAravindan from  Chennai - India  15 hours ago
I wish my thalaivar SUPER STAR RAJNIKANTH to get recover soon. Let we all pray to Shri Raghavendirar swamy and Babaji for his betterment of his health conditions.
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifBalaji from  Chennai - India  15 hours ago
Wishing you a speedy recovery Rajni Sir. Kindly make a 1 min TV speech in any of the TV channels and it will stop all rumours. Like to see you back in Rana Soon
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifSelva from  singapore - Singapore  17 hours ago
i pray to god , my guru was get will soon
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifkrishna sushila from  seremban - malaysia  19 hours ago
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifHARI FROM CHENNAI AYANAVARAM from  CHENNAI - INDIAN  19 hours ago
தலைவா என்னால எந்தவேலையும் சரியா செய்ய முடியல, மனசு வேதனையா இருக்கு தலைவா! நிங்க ஒரு வார்தயாவது தொலைகாட்சியில் பேசுங்க, தயவுசெய்து பேசுங்க, கடவுளை வேண்டுகிரேன் தலைவர் உடல் நிலை சிராக வேண்டும் என்று,
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifmegaladevi from  tanjore - india  19 hours ago
thalaiva va. unakaka kathirukirom sekiram elunthu va ne nalamudan varuvai unakaka engal makalir kulu sarbaka andavanai vendukirom
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifrajini mani from  kumbakonam - tamilnadu  19 hours ago
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifyuvaraj from  chennai - india  20 hours ago
sir come fast peoples are all waitting sir
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifyuvaraj from  chennai - india  20 hours ago
god is great rajini is great rana rana va na
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifBalaji from  Chennai - India  20 hours ago
Hi sir I wish U to get recovered soon Please give a press report so that all msgs like that will vanish in a moment. I hope U do so soon. We need U.
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifGomathi from  chennai - india  21 hours ago
I pray to god that very soon rajini should be hospitalized and get back soon to us.
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifP.SURESHBABU from  CHENNAI - INDIA  21 hours ago
Dear Mr.Rajini sir, we pray for you take a full rest sir, do not smoke sir please this in my humbel request sir ( GOD TAKE ANYTHING FROM MY BODY BUT SAVE MY SUPER STAR MR.RAJINIKANTH)
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifSridhar from  chennai - India  22 hours ago
Please dont send the fake messages to all the superstar will be get well very soon we are very intersted to see his next movie Rana
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifkamaraj from  chennai - india  22 hours ago
dear rajini sir neengal nalla paadiya thirumpi poorna sugathudan varanum endru rasigalal mattu alla & tamil nadu & india pepole ellorum ungalukka pray pannukiragal. come soon with ur whole spirt. we are waiting for u.
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifparthiban from  vellore - india  22 hours ago
தலைவா வா உடனே மிக்க நலத்துடன்
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifkamaraj from  chennai - india  22 hours ago
dear rajini sir we pray for u. get well soon. god bless u
http://www.rajinifans.com/images/blog/blod_inn_pho2.gifAlex from  Colombo - Sri Lanka  22 hours ago
thalaivar will be fine

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